Risks of “Safe Injection” Sites in San Francisco

SF has already attracted thousands of drug users, including our kids, giving false hope of sanctuary

It’s almost impossible to keep drug dealers away from SCSs; for neighborhood kids, the risks are particularly high

There’s no evidence that SCSs save lives at the population level

  • Amsterdam’s low OD rate is due in large part to: adequate treatment and housing, 5 year residency required for housing and services, and a ban on public camping

Today’s street drugs make SCSs even more tenuous

SCSs are too small to make a dent in SF’s open drug scenes

  • 1 SCS would accommodate about 1% of SF’s open drug use: 4,000 unhoused people who use drugs using 6x/day = 24,000 daily uses; SCS capacity ~ 200 uses per day (based on OnPoint data); 200 ÷ 24,000 = 1%

  • By creating SCSs with such limited capacity—while threatening to arrest users who have no choice but to use outside them—SF risks a backlash

Other Blue cities are saying “No” to Supervised Consumption Sites – SF can too